Lord Hanuman Ji movie list – worldwide

Lord Hanuman movies list India | भगवान हनुमान फिल्में और श्रृंखला सूची

From the majestic Himalayas to the bustling streets of Mumbai, Lord Hanuman has graced the silver screen with his divine presence in countless films over the years. This list is not limited to just India, it also includes famous movies  or series from other countries. Whether you’re a devout follower or simply in awe of his mighty feats, these top 10 Hanuman Ji movies from around the world are sure to entertain and inspire. So, grab some popcorn, get comfortable, and prepare to be swept away by the magical adventures of everyone’s favourite monkey god!:

  1. Hanuman (2005, India) – An animated movie that depicts the life of Lord Hanuman from his birth to his role in the epic battle of Ramayana.
  2. Bajrangbali (1976, India) – A mythological movie that narrates the story of Lord Hanuman’s birth and his role in the battle of Ramayana.
  3. Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman (2015, India) – A TV series based on the life of Lord Hanuman and his devotion to Lord Rama.

4. Pawan Putra Hanuman (2011, India) – A TV series that explores the life of Lord Hanuman and his role in the epic story of Ramayana.

5. Jai Hanuman (1997, India) – A TV series that recounts the story of Lord Hanuman and his devotion to Lord Rama.

6. Return of Hanuman (2007, India) – An animated movie that shows the story of Lord Hanuman’s return to Earth after his encounter with Lord Rama.

7. Hanuman vs. Mahiravana (2018, India) – An animated movie that follows the adventures of Lord Hanuman as he battles the demon king Mahiravana to save Lord Rama and Lakshmana.

8. Bal Hanuman (2007, India) – An animated movie that tells the story of Lord Hanuman’s childhood and his adventures as a young monkey.

9. Veer Hanuman (2019, India) – A mythological movie that showcases the story of Lord Hanuman’s birth and his journey to become a powerful warrior.

10. Maruti Mera Dosst (2009, India) – A movie that tells the story of a young boy who forms a bond with Lord Hanuman and learns important life lessons from him.

These Hanuman movies are a perfect blend of entertainment, mythology, and inspiration. They showcase the timeless teachings of Lord Hanuman in a way that resonates with audiences worldwide. Whether you’re a devout follower or a casual movie-goer, these films will leave you feeling uplifted, inspired, and entertained. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the epic adventures of the mighty Hanuman! Jai Hanuman! Jai Bajrang Bali!

FAQs - Frequently asked questions

Is this a list of lord hanuman movies?

Yes, this list includes some famous hanuman movies and web series widely acclaimed by the viewers across the world. There are more movie and series that you can discover using a search engine such as google.com

Whats your favourite hanuman movie to watch?

All movies and web series are a good watch. We would recommend that you don’t miss – Ramayana : The Legend of Prince Rama (1992)

Are these Hanuman movies and series available online?

Based on your country of browsing this website, most of the movies and web series should be available on streaming networks or are available for free on youtube

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